Come & dance with us! We offer 5 introductory classes for $25.00, so come give us a try!
Introductory Registration form
Beginners Welcome, No partner needed! Join us for fun, fitness & friendship!
Sept. 4, 2023. 7:30pm-9:30pm.
MacNab Presbyterian Church, 116 MacNab St. S., Hamilton, ON L8P 3C3
Membership is open to all persons 16 and older. Persons under the age of sixteen may become Junior members.
Classes start week of September 9, 2024​
Level 1-2 on Wednesdays from 7:30p.m. till 9:30 p.m. (first class on September 11, 2024)
Level 3 on Mondays from 7:30p.m. till 9:30 p.m. (first class on September 9, 2024)
Membership Information:
Automatic membership in RSCDS, the international organization formed in 1923 to maintain standards of teaching and technique of Scottish country dance. RSCDS is headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland.
A household copy of the Society newsletter Scottish Country Dancer with news of RSCDS activities, schedules of special events, and Society information.
Biennial list of all RSCDS branches and affiliated groups worldwide.
Information about Scottish Country Dance activities in the area.
Liability insurance coverage of branch functions.
Membership Rights:
Vote at the annual general meeting.
Be elected to serve on the branch committees.
Members Support:
Training and certification of SCD teachers.
Publication of dance books.
Recording of dance music.